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Protect the Antarctic Ocean & Protege o Oceano Antártico

- Julho 21, 2018 -

Temos 3 meses para assinar a petição e com Javier Bardem e a Greenpeace ajudar a proteger e salvar o Oceano Antártico!


Javier Bardem and Greenpeace were in Cambridge talking with Minister Alan Duncan and the UK Government, about #savetheantarctic 

“You have the power to lead on securing the largest protected area on Earth: an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. Please help keep this precious sanctuary safe for the ocean creatures that call it home.”

“The good news is we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to create an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary – the largest protected area on Earth.”

Javier Bardem




Fotos: National Geographic and Greenpeace

Categoria: Amigos do Ambiente


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